The Benefits of Buying a Cowhide Rug

A Cowhide Rug is simply the hides and pure hair of a cow, usually cured with either a tanning process or by the much more environmentally responsible, plant-based tanning process used by companies such as Organic Tanning. The effect is a soft sturdy rug that holds the natural markings of the cow, sometimes even occasionally dyed to produce exotic new designs, but more often than not, natural leather colored rugs are retained with the natural pigment intact. This ensures an exceptionally long lifespan for the rug. There are several advantages to choosing a natural colored cowhide rug over an imitation. Although the latter can often times be cheaper, it will not last as long and has a much smaller natural color to work with.


A good quality cowhide rug can add great value to your home as well as adding beauty to its decor


Not only is it a beautiful, cozy addition to any room, it can also be used for protection in the bedroom as well as throughout the home. It is an extremely durable hide which will stand up to heavy foot traffic, years of everyday wear and tear, and even extreme temperatures. There are a number of different colors and patterns available today and the natural look is sure to complement most decorating styles.


A leather cowhide rug is available today in many different colors & styles


The natural colors come in shades of brown with occasional red or black streaks. As with all leather, the older the hide, the darker the color will be. They are typically in shades of brown with occasional darker pinks and blues. The grain of the hide will determine the color range, though lighter colored hides tend to be more commonly used for western style decorating and darker colors are often used for eastern decorating.

When decorating your home, it is important to use accessories to pull the whole look together. Many people focus on the colors and patterns in their furniture and accent pieces and overlook the impact that their choice of cowhide rugs has on the atmosphere of their rooms. Rugs come in a variety of natural colors including red, black, brown, and cream. Using one of these rugs in a room will instantly lend a southwestern, Mexican, or Native American flair to the atmosphere. The natural colors are a warm and welcoming tonal. Adding southwestern accessories such as pottery and southwestern decor accessories such as Native American pottery along with your cowhide rug will complete your unique and fashionable look.

While many cowhide rugs use authentic Mexican cowhide, it is still possible to get these rugs with other colors and patterns. However, when you purchase your new rug, make sure to purchase one made from 100% pure deer hide. Since Mexican cowhide is not only the highest quality, but also the heaviest leather found in the U.S., it is typically used for the majority of our western designs. If you do not care for the realism of a natural animal hide, you can purchase a faux-hide cowhide which will look just as good as the real thing but is usually less expensive. Make sure to make sure the retailer you purchase from sells cowhide so you do not waste any money purchasing an imitation.


Colors are a great way to add color and character to a space without overdoing it


Many cowhide rugs are available in bold colors such as red, black, and cream. In addition to being bold, these bright colors are great for adding depth to a space since they can be used on their own or as accents against neutral walls. However, if you are looking to achieve a southwestern feel to a room, consider using darker cowhide colors or darker shades of other bold colors.

Not only do cowhide rugs provide warmth and beauty, they are also very affordable. The average rug can easily cost between one and two hundred dollars. This price is well worth every penny since the Rug Retailer often offers special discounts to customers purchasing more than one drug at a time. Also, since many people buy them to decorate their bedrooms and use them to keep warm during the colder months, buying multiple rugs can be a great way to save money while still having high quality rugs to decorate your home with.

Although the rich history and tradition of using cowhide rugs date back hundreds of years, they are quickly gaining popularity and becoming a staple in many southwestern homes. The rich color and natural patterning are ideal for creating a southwest style and western design, yet they can also be used in traditional English homes. Before making your purchase, however, make sure you do not need a cowhide rug to complete your design vision. Many people use cowhide rugs to compliment the elegance of southwestern decorating, but they can also be used in traditional English bedrooms as well. The trick to find the perfect rug for your decorating needs is to figure out what type of rug will best complement the style you want to express in your room first, then decide whether you would like to incorporate natural hides or chrome tanning.


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